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DonDonPataPon [Visual Novelty]

A member registered Sep 27, 2017

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If the screenshots are giving you Higurashi vibes, you should DEFINITELY play this game, it will be right up your alley, I promise! Immaculate horror~

My crops are scorched and my plants are withered. I feel utterly miserable in the best possible way, thank you so very much...

You have a wonderful talent for emotional horror I hope you know (I don't know if that's a proper term or not but that's how I felt seeing everything progress through this game) (Also some very excellent more visceral horror yupyup-) This whole experience was beautifully written and produced, and utterly tragic overall.

I'm going to be thinking about this for quite some time...

That feeling really hits home so well in this...馃槩

Sending you and your family all my best, I hope all is well <3!

I for one firmly support Women's Rights (and a few Wrongs to boot)-

Gosh the writing was so wonderfully charming, and it created a really interesting dynamic between the mysterious (and vaguely dangerous) Kali and the upfront and painfully earnest Kate...

And honestly everything we got to know about Kate, oh gosh... As the designated family member rendered incapable of saying no, I feel for them so much... Being in their head really enhanced the mystery of Kali, across the bar. And in an odd way the way the conversation choices influenced the endings felt real and earned and good! I enjoyed the flow of the story and the conversation a ton! I also came away still wondering about our mysterious customer, but I honestly love her as a mystery all in all!

Kate's blushing flustered expression is honestly such vibes, so earnestly wholesome-

The art was super charming, and the mechanics gave it a sort of fun little charm (the same charm I get from Phoenix Wright games heehee-) but it never took away from the emotional core of the story whatsoever! And gosh it hit home- I'm not crying you're crying-

Getting into a rut like that is painfully easy, getting out is painfully hard-

For my first time playing a stat-raiser, the gameplay loop was quite addicting, and I got pulled into the charm of the interactions, and the fun secret interactions/events to uncover! Once I learned how to overcome my stress wall, that is, eheh.... Once I did, though, it started to click!

I honestly might try and work through and try to get the other endings down the line!

This was not what I expected, but honestly? I really enjoyed it. There were several moments that were legitimately unsettling, but this was a charming experience all in all!

Oh gosh am I intrigued by what you have so far, I'm loving the premise you've set up here!

Lilia's personality is so adorable, while also giving me so many good questions about her past, and what made her who she is - especially with Ban, and the premise in general!

Rosie too is intriguing in her own right! Together, these roommates complete each other, I'm rooting for them~

And oh gosh the art and ui is beautiful? Rooting for you with this project so much, your work is fantastic and this is incredible!

Ohh your art, bgs and sprites were beautiful, I remember them from Spaghetti, but the almost painted, shadowy aesthetic of the denizens of the betwixt was amazing in its own right!

I particularly enjoyed Christopher's personal journey and how it was involved in the story you put together... What an unsettling but intriguing little world you've built here! I really enjoyed this!

This is not how I was expecting my Halloween to go but I mean I Trust Leila, nothing strange happening in this apartment tonight-

But gosh amazing art and honestly a really strong story, together this makes for a wonderfully unsettling experience!

Your games always have such a beautiful aesthetic and this was no exception! The more light-hearted tone definitely shone through, but there was still very much a heartfelt story behind it all. Enjoyed this a ton!

The title really does say it all quite succinctly...

This was a heartfelt, almost somber tale, with a really good twist and a painful gut punch of an ending, well done!

Time is cruel, isn't it; 

This was a beautifully sad story told tightly and impactfully...

I was not prepared for where this game was going to take me but I was so delighted to be along for this ride until the end - a hauntingly beautiful, deeply unsettling aesthetic that never fails to grip me-


Really having played malViolence first I may have known how this story was always going to end, but my god this was a gut-wrenching downward spiral. Beautifully tragic, the descent from clinically pale whites and silvers to black and red, and then yellows and oranges as it all comes crashing down-

The horror is very much in what's happening in the walls of this place, but an underrated second dose of horror comes from watching people justify and later dismiss it, the knowledge that any objections will be quashed not by force but by red tape, and the sheer helplessness of it all-

Warm and fluffy pancakes to Team Violence for all your amazing work!

The aesthetic is so beautiful, and the story depicted was so starkly real it definitely affected me more than I was expecting going in...

But I absolutely love how well you handled the subject matter all in all; the true ending was so wonderfully moving... thank you!

Sometimes you just have to baby-talk a cat~ I enjoyed this a ton in the end

(1 edit)

I am SO here for this, this was every bit as wholesome as I had hoped it would be! Loved the cast of Death Becomes You and loved seeing them further down the line, only further growing and developing their bonds and healing, and just... My heart is full.

Ohh this was such a wholesome game, with cute characters and a really encouraging message! (Which I needed to hear myself ngl-)

Subbed on Doomtube, Rang the Gong-! This video brought to you by PentaSpace, your solution for making the most glitteringly demonic websites- Use code TORNA for 20% off your first-

(Very good and charming fun, thank you for this~ Also featuring my favorite unlockable CG of all time!)

This was a ton of fun! Some lovely horror, with a charming main character dynamic~

And the undercurrent of lore to be uncovered is quite compelling (and unsettling) indeed!

When life gives you lemons, make muffins!

Aww this is short but cute~ 

But do I trust that cat? There's something going on here...~

[I may have missed something at least as I can't seem to figure out how to get ending 2!]

I loved Hailu's interactions with Eleven, but I can't not root for Mimi! 

Atmospheric, wonderfully unsettling in many ways, with a heartfelt throughline in both routes to be honest! Both routes complete each other so nicely, this was a fantastic read!

And here we go~ (The other two parts will be linked in the description when they come out later this week!)

This was an experience, thank you again~

I don't know what it is that Grea that hits me in all the right spots but I love her character so much, not gonna lie. Her design, the bluntness of her dialogue, her dynamic with the cast in general, just... Delightful. True Neutral Vibes.

This was such a fun read. I particularly loved the structure of the mystery, the whole giving the player a chance to figure it out before the Detective reveals the answer... It almost feels Holmes-like.

...Also getting those vibes from the fact that I botched the answer in the end ahah, but the answer made sense, and included so much that was shown/told to us all along, to the point where I feel like all the clues were there, and Grea is genuinely smarter than me for noticing them when I didn't - Hence, Holmes-like~!

Plus my god the final act is a ride! Give this one a shot!

I'm excited to find out that Mystery Gamedev is a thing, and I'm hyped to see what else you're able to create together!

The colors, the abstract art style, the writing, amazing, conveyed the fear and anxiety in this story oh so well - shout-out to the shadows on the family being used so effectively-

But oh gosh this game destroyed me emotionally, Ending 5 my heart augh-

It's very much a game about waking up as a monster, but certain bits of dialogue, the way the parents react, I feel like it tells an unfortunately relatable story across the board really well... 

Wake up, Lab Rat, we have a MegaCorporation to Burn-

An accurate depiction of office elevator conversation, down to the meat lockers and pools of nuclear radiation... 10/10 would interview again-!

This was absolutely beautiful... 

I had to go back for her... ;u; I couldn't just leave her there...